Friday, May 6, 2011

Art of Architecture

Even though I'm going to product design next year, I'm very interested in architecture design.
This is a book I highly recommend to see for any kind of architectural inspiration! 

New Architecture in Japan 
This book was published very recently and it covers over 100 architectures. 

One of my favorite architect in Japan: Toyo Ito 

Wind Tower
At night, the wind pressure turns the special windows and it glows light. 

Japanese architect known for creating conceptual architecture, in which he seeks to simultaneously express the physical and virtual worlds. He is a leading exponent of architecture that addresses the contemporary notion of a "simulated" city, and has been called "one of the world's most innovative and influential architects." -

Issey Miyake meets Origami

During 3D class, I found this collection from Issey Miyake.
I was researching on how to incorporate origami into clothes and this collection was what I was looking for. 

All of these clothes are from 123.5 Issey Miyake.
123.5  reflects on the number of dimensions that he used and created in his collection.
Miyake collaborated with young growing designers in his company and a computer scientist to create a flat paper patterned piece of fabric to create a 3 diminutional clothes.

Japanese Literature

This is one of my favorite Japanese poem, キラキラヒカル " Kira Kira Hikaru" (Twinkle Twinkle) by Yasuo Irisawa. I came upon this poem when I was reading a book with a same title by Kaori Ekuni. The author was inspired by this poem's contrast of nostalgic yet plodding story and the beauty of the structure of the writing. 



Twinkle Twinkle 

Taking out the twinkling wallet
I bought a twinkling fish
I also bought a twinkling woman
I bought a twinkling fish 
and put it in the twinkling pot
the twinkling woman held it
the twinkling fish in the pot 
the twinkling money from the change
twinkling woman and two 
holding the twinkling fish 
holding the twinkling money
I go back by the twinkling street at night 
it was a twinkling starry sky
pouring out twinkling tears
the twinkling woman cried 

This is my own translation since the poem was published in 1955 and there is no translation of it in English. The style of the writing is very child like but the story could be interpreted in many ways in deep thoughts and that is why I love about this poem. 

If you like the poem, you should check out : Twinkle Twinkle by Kaori Eguni ( this is the english translated version of the title of the book). 

The book is about arranged marriage between an alcoholic wife with gay husband. The story portrays the platonic love among the wife, husband, and his lover and focuses on how each characters strive for his or her happiness.